We take pride in providing high quality pet supplies at affordable prices so that we can bring smiles to every doggo around the globe!

Did You Know?

Out of the 450 million doggos worldwide, 40% will suffer from anxiety throughout their lives. This alarming statistic takes many dog owners by surprise and should not be taken lightly! No one should have to suffer alone, especially our beloved dogs.

To support our pets, we need to incorporate clinically proven scientific principles in our pet products to ensure that we can assist in giving them a happier and healthier life. This is why the Puptex team are on a mission to develop revolutionary tools pet owners can use to help reduce their fur babies stress & anxiety levels!

  • 100% Happiness Guarantee!

    We're extremely passionate about making pets happy all over the world! This means if pet owners are unhappy about any products from our selection, we'll be more than happy to resolve any issues!

  • 35,000+ Happy Customers!

    Happy pets, happy life! We are truly grateful for the thousands of loyal customers that support the Puptex family and continue to put their confidence in our products!

  • Reliable Support!

    The Puptex team take pride in directly communicating with our customers, which is why we do not deliver any automated responses to ensure that we can fully support our community to the best of our capabilities!